About SQL

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Introduction of SQL

SQL is Structured Query Language, a computer language designed for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in a relational database.

Basics of SQL

What is SQL

SQL is a computer language used to store, manipulate, and retrieve data in a relational database.

SQL Commands

  • DDL - Data Definition Language
  • DML - Data Manipulation Language
  • DCL - Data Control Language
  • DQL - Data Query Language
  • TCL - Transaction Control Language

Data Definition Language (DDL)

    • CREATE: Creates a new table in the database.
    • ALTER: Modifies the structure of an existing table.
    • DROP: Deletes a table from the database.
    • TRUNCATE: Deletes all rows from a table and frees the space containing the table.

    Data Manipulation Language (DML)

    • INSERT: Adds new data to a database.
    • UPDATE: Modifies existing data in a database.
    • DELETE: Removes data from a database.

    Data Control Language (DCL)

    • GRANT: Gives user access privileges to a database.
    • REVOKE: Takes back permissions from the user.

    Transaction Control Language (TCL)

    • COMMIT: Saves all transactions to the database.
    • ROLLBACK: Undoes transactions not yet saved to the database.
    • SAVEPOINT: Rolls the transaction back to a certain point without rolling back the entire transaction.

    Data Query Language (DQL)

    • SELECT: Selects the attribute based on the condition described by the WHERE clause.


    Understanding SQL commands and their functionalities is crucial for database management and data manipulation.

    People Also Ask (PAA) / Q&A

    Q: What is SQL and why is it important?
    A: SQL is essential for managing and manipulating databases. It allows users to query data, update records, and manage database structures.

    Q: How do I set up a SQL environment?
    A: You can install and set up SQL environments like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite by following their official installation guides.

    Q: What are the basic SQL commands I should know?
    A: Key SQL commands include SELECT, FROM, WHERE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and JOIN.

    Q: How can SQL be used for data analytics?
    A: SQL is used to perform descriptive statistics, complex reporting, and integrate with data visualization tools for insightful analysis.

    Q: What are common SQL interview questions?
    A: Common SQL interview questions cover topics like joins, subqueries, window functions, and data transformation techniques. Practice these to prepare effectively.

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